Why can’t I get the deodorant out of the tube?
- For either first time use or colder temperatures, the deodorant can stick to the inside of the tube to make it harder to push up. If that happens, you can lay the tube down on its side on a hard surface, and with a firm pressure roll it like you’re using it as a rolling pin. That’ll loosen the product off the inside enough to be able to push it up easily.
How do I put the deodorant back in, if I’ve pushed too much out?
- Tap the bottom of the tube firmly on a hard surface until it’s all gone back inside. Do not use the lid or your fingers to push it back inside, as you could waste a lot of the deodorant that way.
Why isn’t it gliding onto my skin like it used to?
- Due to the ingredients, when it’s cold, the deodorant can go hard and not glide on to your skin as nicely. So if that happens, simply push out the desired amount, hold the deodorant onto your skin for a few seconds to warm it up and then use it.
What to expect when I change from an antiperspirant or deodorant that has toxins in it, to a natural deodorant?
- You may find when you make the change from none-natural deodorants or antiperspirants to a natural deodorant, you may go through a period of time where your body sweats more. We like to call this the detox period. It may be more prominent switching from an antiperspirant to a natural deodorant, than it is for those who used regular deodorant before switching. The detox period may not always occur with everyone, our bodies are all a little different. We call it a detox because it’s your body’s way of sweating out all of those toxins that have been put on everyday, through the use of non natural products. Over time the sweating will reduce as the toxins lessen and your body will regulate itself. The detox period can last around 3 to 4 weeks, so be patient, it’s totally worth it!
What is the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant?
Well, a deodorant will deodorise the bad smells associated with sweat by stopping that bacteria building up. An antiperspirant reduces the sweat by using aluminium based compounds to temporary plug the pores. Sweating is actually good for your body. It helps to keep your body cool, and it naturally helps to eliminate any toxins. So plugging them up isn’t good for you.
While it’s known that antiperspirants are for people that sweat a lot, and want to reduce how much they sweat. They may not actually need to use antiperspirants to sweat less. From our own personal experience, we’ve found that when we switched to a natural deodorant, over time we noticed that we started to sweat less then we did with the none-natural deodorants we used previously. That was because when you use none-natural deodorants, your body can actually sweat more, as it’s your bodies way of ridding those toxins that you’re putting on it everyday.
So if you wanted to see if going down the natural route works for you, why not give it a try and see if your body regulates itself enough for you to be happy with the amount you end up sweating. You may never need to try or to go back to antiperspirants once you’ve made that change. It’s all down to how your body reacts once you’re all detoxed.